
We need these words now more than ever. This is not a day off for us. Most of our staff are celebrating the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. throughout the community. Please join us at the following events: MLK Day 5K Drum Run When: Jan. 20, line up begins at 8:45 a.m. Where: Piedmont…

Coal Ash Virtual Town Hall

Online Events

#Remember there's an election on 6/9/20 & use your absentee ballot! 2 seats are up for election on @GeorgiaPSC. Our candidate is equity! Join us for a Coal Ash Virtual Townhall on April 22 at 6p https://facebook.com/newenergyguy/live w/ candidates @NewEnergyGuy & @BryantforGaPSC. Posts ≠ endorsements. https://www.facebook.com/newenergyguy/videos/1510983105742157/
