Health Equity: A Growing Imperative
Arlene Parker-Goldson, Just Health Director

On January 30, 2020, the Partnership for Southern Equity (PSE) convened the second meeting of the Just Health Circle (JHC) to connect, listen, learn, collaborate, practice as the framework for addressing health inequity in metropolitan Atlanta, the state of Georgia and the American South. JHC is a diverse group of people who are committed to action and advocacy. JHC is also space where residents, communities, and subject matter experts work together to minimize inequities throughout its footprint including, but not limited to:
- Structural and institutional racism embedded in healthcare systems
- Access to health care and resources
- Advancing public policy and laws that promote equality in health services and care
- Addressing the health impacts that stem from the added burden of poverty, including heart disease, cancer and other chronic illnesses

Nathaniel Q. Smith, founder and CEqO of PSE, facilitated an insightful and robust values and vision discussion that included the voices of Khadijah Ameen of BLKHLTH, Robyn Busey-Jones of ARCHI, Brittany Evans of the Urban Health Initiative at Emory University, Gil Frank of Westside Historic Gardens, Barry Hutchinson of Peach State Health Plan, and April Hermstad and Shade Owolabi of the Emory Prevention Research Center.