Let equity be your guide in the voting booth!
Early voting: December 14-30, 2020
Runoff: January 5, 2021
At the Partnership for Southern Equity our candidate is and will always be equity. As the United States looks to Georgia for the country’s future, we’ve developed a simple initiative to help bring equity to the polls – #VoteforEquity! If you care about just and fair inclusion, make sure your candidates do too. Please see the #VoteforEquity toolkit, graphics, and suggested social media posts below, and remember to vote early, December 14-30, 2020, or on Runoff Day, January 5, 2021! Confirm your ballot status and polling place at https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do! #togetherweprosper
#VoteforEquity Graphics
#VoteforEquity Profile Photo Frame – Put These PNG Files Over Your Profile Photo Manually
#VoteforEquity Social Media Posts Suggestions
- The runoff for the Georgia Public Service Commission is the most important race that you HAVE NOT heard of. If you value equitable utilities for all Georgians bring your values to the polls; early voting Dec. 14-30, runoff Jan. 5! #noshuttoffs @wetheplugtho #fairenergynow @fairenergynow #togetherweprosper #voteforequity
- The runoff for an equitable Georgia is Jan. 5. Vote for our future. Vote for equity. Vote early Dec. 14-30! Confirm your ballot status and polling place at https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do! #togetherweprosper #voteforequity
- Our candidate is and will always be #racialequity. If you care about just and fair inclusion make sure your candidates do too. Vote early Dec. 14-30! Confirm your ballot status and polling place at https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do! #togetherweprosper #voteforequity
- You’re not just bringing national issues to the voting booth, but your history, and the hopes and dreams for an equitable future. On Jan. 5, vote for equity! Vote early Dec. 14-30! Confirm your ballot status and polling place at https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do! #togetherweprosper #voteforequity
- “History is not the past; it is the present. We carry our history with us. We are our history,” James Baldwin. History is present in the voting booth. Stand against injustice and division, and choose equity on Jan. 5! Vote early Dec. 14-30! Confirm your ballot status and polling place at https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do! #togetherweprosper #voteforequity
- The fight for #racialequity doesn’t support a candidate, but a way of life. Let equity be your guide in the voting booth on Jan. 5! Vote early Dec. 14-30! Confirm your ballot status and polling place at https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do! #togetherweprosper #voteforequity